Carlo Rovelli

Theoretical Physicist
World’s 50 Top Thinkers

4 lessons on time and technology

Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist known for his work on loop quantum gravity, on the nature of space and time, and on the relational interpretation of quantum theory. He has also worked on the history and philosophy of science. Born in Italy, Rovelli has worked in the United States, France and Canada. He is member of the Institute Universitaire de France, honorary professor of the Beijing Normal University, Honoris Causa Laureate of the Universidad de San Martin, Buenos Aires, member of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences. He is currently affiliated to the University of Aix-Marseille in France, the philosophy department of the Western Ontario University, the Perimeter Institute in Canada and the Santa Fe Institute of complexity in New Mexico. Rovelli has been awarded the 1996 Xanthopoulos Award for “the best relativist under forty”. During the last decade, he has written global best sellers translated in more than fifty languages. Among these, are ’Seven Brief Lessons on Physics’, ’The Order of Time’, and ’Helgoland’, on quantum theory. Rovelli is also engaged politically; in 2019 he has promoted the Peace Dividend Initiative, involving 60 Nobel Laureates in asking for a worldwide collaborative military expenses reduction. He has been included by the Foreign Policy magazine in the list of the 100 most influential global thinkers, and by Prospect Magazine in the list of the The World’s 50 Top Thinkers.

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